WMHT supports students, educators, and families with on-air and online content to enrich the learning experience for all ages. Our comprehensive suite of tools and content includes: a growing library of PBS LearningMedia, PBS KIDS and PBS KIDS for Parents material, local education programming and our ongoing Early Literacy programs, bringing literacy and math education to schools and libraries near you.

PBS Kids (ages 2-8)
Explore fun games and activities from your favorite PBS Kids shows!
PBS Kids Search by Show
Explore fun games and activities from your favorite PBS Kids shows!

PBS Kids (for Parents and Caregivers)
Fun activities, crafts, and projects to share with your child.

WMHT and PBS LearningMedia
FREE standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for teachers. Find lesson plans based on locally produced content. Want help implementing them in your classroom? Contact us below!

WMHT and PBS LearningMedia
FREE standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for teachers. Find lesson plans based on locally produced content. Want help implementing them in your classroom? Contact us below!
CTLE and Professional Development
Earn continuing education credit (CTLE) through WMHT's award-winning programming and learn about ongoing professional development opportunities.
Student Media
Explore media created by local students.
Classical Student Musician of the Month
View performances and interviews featuring talented Classical Student Musicians from school districts in our community and nominate a student.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Nominate a teacher you think deserves to be recognized during Teacher Appreciation Week, an annual celebration of educators making an impact in our community.
Local Education Content
These short videos and series from WMHT will give you and your students new insights into your communities. Associated learning media content is added regularly.