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More than 65 million people in the United States are providing informal or unpaid care to a family member or friend. The value of this “free” help saves society millions of dollars but often comes at a cost to the caregiver. From formalized volunteer programs to respite; learn how people are managing the challenges and experiencing the rewards of caring for a loved one.



Donna Beal, Executive Director, Mercy Care for the Adirondacks

Mercy Care for the Adirondacks, sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, was established in 2007.  It is responding to the emergent need to address in a holistic manner the health education, spiritual, and friendship needs of elders living in their own homes.  Mercy Care provides on a non-denominational basis the benefits of friendship, companionship, assistance, and spiritual care which is not or cannot be adequately provided by family or friends. 

Anne Marie Cook, President/CEO, LifeSpan of Greater Rochester

Lifespan in Rochester, NY provides information, guidance and more than 30 services that help older adults and caregivers take on longer life, from care management for eldercare to finding a job in retirement. 

Mary Moller, MSW, Catholic Charities Caregivers Support Services

Caregivers Support Services is an agency of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany with one simple mission - to make life better for those who care for friends and relatives in need.

Ellen O’Connor, Director, Community Services, Fairport Baptist Home

Fairport Baptist Homes Senior Options For Independence (SOFI) acts in an advisory and referral capacity, guiding seniors, and/or their caregivers, through the maze of support services available in the community, enabling them to remain in their own homes, independently, with less strain on family and friends, as long as possible.

Becky Preve, Director, Franklin County C.A.R.E.S./NY Connects

The Franklin County C.A.R.E.S. Unit serves as the Point of Entry for long term care countywide, providing easy access to Long Term Care (LTC) for all disabled adults and children, and for the elderly in need of assistance. 

Richard Schulz is Professor of Psychiatry, Director of the University Center for Social and Urban Research, Director of Gerontology, and Associate Director of the Institute on Aging at the University of Pittsburgh.

Kristin Vivian, Program Director, Bright Horizons Adult Day Services

Bright Horizons is the adult day services program of Colonie Senior Service Centers with 4 locations in the Capital District. Since 1983, Bright Horizons has been providing respite for caregivers and a supportive setting for members.

Additional Resources:

AARP Caregiving Resource Center provides information, tools and tips for caregivers.

Caring for your Parents

Help for families facing the practical & emotional challenges of caring for aging parents.

Community Caregivers provides services that enable individuals of all ages to maintain their independence, dignity and quality of life within their homes and communities.

They can assist home caregivers manage the physical, emotional and financial toll that continuous caregiving can take.

NY Connects: Choices for Long Term Care

Information and Assistance Specialists provide personalized counseling to help you make informed decisions and can assist you in accessing available long term services and supports to meet existing or future long term needs.

The New York State Caregiving and Respite Coalition (NYSCRC) is a statewide coalition focused on supporting caregivers, professionals and providers across New York State.

New York State Office for the Aging

Helping older New Yorkers be as independent as possible for as long as possible.