Early Rocket Ventures
The Redstone Rocket was NASA's early venture into long-range rocketry and would later be used to put the first U.S. man in space.
NOVA scienceNOW: Franklin Chang-Diaz
In this video segment adapted from NOVA scienceNOW, meet Franklin Chang-Díaz, an astronaut and scientist. Learn how he has been interested in rockets and space travel since he was a child in Costa Rica, and how he immigrated to the United States to pursue his dream of becoming an astronaut.
Speeding Up Space Travel
Learn about innovations in rocket technology that could change the way humans explore space in this video excerpt from NOVA scienceNOW: "Can We Make It to Mars?"
Blasting Off to Space!
Did you know the rocket that took us to the moon was designed in Alabama? Student Reporter Luke Partridge went to the US Space & Rocket Center to learn about rocket technology with head archivist Ed Stewart.
STEAM: Ideas that Shape Our World Collection
The STEAM collection (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) explores the world of ideas with leading innovators who spoke at the IdeaFestival in Louisville. Topics range from infectious disease and evolutionary biology to virtual reality, inventions, and alien minds.
Gross Science: See Microbes with this DIY Phone Microphone
Learn how to see microbes with your phone, in this episode of Gross Science from NOVA.
What is a Semiconductor?
Semiconductors are in everything from your cell phone to rockets. But what exactly are they, and what makes them so special?
Computers Science Trek
The computing power in today’s cell phones is much higher than all the processing power of all the computers on the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander that put two men on the moon. Computers can be found in almost everything. But how does this amazing technology work?
Science Spotlight: How Your Smartphone Knows Where You Are
Learn how GPS receivers use trilateration to track your location, even though atmospheric disturbances might occasionally cause accuracy problems.
How Does Your Smartphone Send Emojis?
The physics of smartphones is a complicated and amazing mixture of engineering, physics, electronics and computer science.
Your Digital Footprint: Data and Energy Use
Cell phones and laptops use energy to charge their batteries. But did you know that sending emails, texts, and Snapchats requires much more energy?
Toolkit: How To Come Up With Your Own Mobile App
This lesson guides students through a design brainstorm process, to invent an app idea related to public art. All you need is the activity worksheet, some pens, markers, and creativity!
How Is Tech Changing The Way We Read?
Before the internet, it made sense to read long texts in a linear fashion, but that’s now changing as people are adapting to skimming shorter texts on their computers or phones.