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Home Classroom Learning Materials for December 21-25

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This is a very different school year than we are all accustomed to and WMHT has resources to help you and your family!

Whether your child has a hybrid, at-home, or in-the-classroom school model for this school year, we have resources, activities, videos, and other learning materials that are free to use for various curriculum topics and grade levels. Watch educational programs on WMHT WORLD and utilize these supplemental materials.

Click here for the Home Classroom Learning Block for December 21-25 [PDF]

For younger children in PreK-Grade 3: Click here for a PBS KIDS Calendar of Activities for December [PDF]

Find BINGO activities and more for young learners here.

Have a specific question? Let us know! Email or contact us here.

Week of Monday, December 21, 2020
(All Times Eastern, Check Local Listings)
Monday, December 21, 2020
12 pm1 pm2 pm3 pm4 pm
Curriculum/Theme:ScienceEngineeringScienceSocial StudiesSocial Studies
Grade Band: (Grades 9-12)(Grades 6-8)(Grades 6-8)(Grades 6-12)(Grades 6-12)
Program Title:NOVA: Dead Sea Scroll DetectivesNOVA: Secrets of the Forbidden CityNOVA: Bigger Than T. rexKen Burns's The National Parks: America's Best Idea, Ep. 5: Great Nature (1933-1945) (3-6 PM)Ken Burns's The National Parks: America's Best Idea, Ep. 5: Great Nature (1933-1945)(Cont.)
Description:See how scientists are using new technologies to read the unreadable; solve mysteries that have endured for millennia; and even discover million-dollar fakes of the Dead Sea Scrolls, one of the greatest archeological finds of all time.Explore the ingenious engineering of Beijing's Forbidden City and discover how the design of this vast complex of palaces and temples enabled it to survive centuries of earthquakes.Follow a twisting trail of clues, from a desert cave in Morocco to a German castle during World War II, to uncover the secrets of Spinosaurus, the biggest and most fearsome predator of all time.To battle unemployment in the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt creates the Civilian Conservation Corps, which spawns a “golden age” for the parks through major renovation projects.To battle unemployment in the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt creates the Civilian Conservation Corps, which spawns a “golden age” for the parks through major renovation projects.
Related PBS LearningMedia Resource Link:Using X-Ray Technology to Read the UnreadableStory of China: Astronomical ClockNOVA ScienceNOW: T. Rex BloodKen Burns in the Classroom: The National Parks: America's Best Idea - CollectionKen Burns in the Classroom: The National Parks: America's Best Idea
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
12 pm1 pm2 pm3 pm4 pm
Curriculum/Theme:MathMathScienceSocial StudiesSocial Studies
Grade Band: (Grade 6 / Grade 7) (Grade 8 / Algebra 1) (Grades 6-8)(Grades 6-12)(Grades 6-12)
Program Title:Illustrative Math Grade 6: Unit 7, Lesson 2,
Episode 19 /
Illustrative Math Grade 7: Unit 6, Lesson 20,
Episode 19
Illustrative Math Grade 8: Unit 7, Lessons 5, 6 /
Illustrative Math Algebra 1: Unit 7, Lesson 11
Nature: Sex, Lies and ButterfliesKen Burns's The National Parks: America's Best Idea, Ep. 6: The Morning of Creation (1946-1980) (3-5 PM)Ken Burns's The National Parks: America's Best Idea, Ep. 6: The Morning of Creation (1946-1980)(Cont.)
Description:Points on the Number Line / Combining Like Terms (Part 1)
Negative Exponents with Powers of Ten and What About Other Bases? / What are Perfect Squares?
Look beyond their bright colors and fragile beauty to explore the 360-degree vision, deceptive camouflage, and chemical weaponry of butterflies and follow them on one of the greatest migrations on Earth.Examine the proliferation of protected lands and the protection of predatory animals.Examine the proliferation of protected lands and the protection of predatory animals.
Related PBS LearningMedia Resource Link:Grade 6 video lesson preview / Grade 7 video lesson previewGrade 8 video lesson preview / Algebra 1 lesson previewSciGirls: Butterfly Diaries: Data CollectionKen Burns in the Classroom: The National Parks: America's Best Idea - CollectionKen Burns In the Classroom: The National Parks: America's Great Idea - Collection
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
12 pm1 pm2 pm3 pm4 pm
Curriculum/Theme:ScienceScienceScienceSocial StudiesSocial Studies
Grade Band: (Grades 6-12)(Grades 6-12)(Grades 6-12)(Grades 9-12)(Grades 9-12)
Program Title:Plants Behaving Badly: Murder & MayhemPlants Behaving Badly: Sex & LiesNOVA: First Man on the MoonFrontline: From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians, Part I (3-5 PM)Frontline: From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians, Part I (Cont.)
Description:Examine the extraordinary behavior of carnivorous plants, a feature of many a sci-fi film over the years, where the reality turns out to be far stranger than the fiction.See how the shape of exotic flowers evolved to attract pollinators.Learn how a rare combination of talent, luck, and experience led to Neil Armstrong's successful command of Apollo 11 and the first steps on the Moon.Drawing upon new and sometimes controversial historical evidence, the series transports the viewer back 2,000 years to the time and place where Jesus of Nazareth once lived and preached and challenges familiar assumptions and conventional notions about the origins of Christianity. Drawing upon new and sometimes controversial historical evidence, the series transports the viewer back 2,000 years to the time and place where Jesus of Nazareth once lived and preached and challenges familiar assumptions and conventional notions about the origins of Christianity.
Related PBS LearningMedia Resource Link:Do Plants Behave Like Animals?How Plants Defend Themselvesthe Road to Apollo: An Interactive JourneyFRONTLINE: From Jesus to Christ: The First ChristiansFRONTLINE: From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians
Thursday, December 24, 2020
12 pm1 pm2 pm3 pm4 pm
Curriculum/Theme:ScienceScienceScienceSocial StudiesSocial Studies
Grade Band: (Grades 6-12)(Grades 6-12)(Grades 6-8)(Grades 9-12)(Grades 9-12)
Program Title:Animal Babies: First Year on Earth: First StepsLife from Above: Moving PlanetSpy in the Wild 2: A Nature Miniseries: The PolesFrontline: From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians, Part II (3-5 PM)Frontline: From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians, Part II (Cont.)
Description:See the challenges young animals can face in their first year, whether fighting for survival in the wild or learning to coexist with humans.From individual animals to powerful weather systems, get a new perspective on how our planet is constantly on the move.Robotic spy creatures meet and observe the hardiest and most charismatic animals in the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.Drawing upon new and sometimes controversial historical evidence, the series transports the viewer back 2,000 years to the time and place where Jesus of Nazareth once lived and preached and challenges familiar assumptions and conventional notions about the origins of Christianity. Drawing upon new and sometimes controversial historical evidence, the series transports the viewer back 2,000 years to the time and place where Jesus of Nazareth once lived and preached and challenges familiar assumptions and conventional notions about the origins of Christianity.
Related PBS LearningMedia Resource Link:NATURE: The Panda BabyNOVA: From Earth To Space: Monitoring Earth's Water VaporEngineering Robotic Cameras to Observe Animals in NatureFRONTLINE: From Jesus to Christ: The First ChristiansFRONTLINE: From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians
Friday, December 25, 2020
12 pm1 pm2 pm3 pm4 pm
Grade Band: (Grades 6-12)(Grades 6-12)(Grades 6-9) (Grades 6-9) (Grades 6-9)
Program Title:Animal Babies: First Year on Earth: Testing LimitsLife from Above: Colorful PlanetMasterpiece: Little Women, Episode 1Masterpiece: Little Women, Episode 2Masterpiece: Little Women, Episode 3
Description:Learn the new challenges that baby animals face once they can get around on their own and learn to search for food, survive in harsh environments, and bond with family members.Often called the "blue planet," Earth is actually a kaleidoscope of color resulting from natural and human activities.Christmas, 1861: the March sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy—prepare for a Christmas without presents or their father.As Marmee waits by her husband’s sickbed, the March sisters must fend for themselves at home.A year has passed and there are new additions to the March family, but there is worry all around as Beth’s health and spirits flag.
Related PBS LearningMedia Resource Link:Baby Season | UntamedThe Ocean: A Driving Force for Weather and ClimateMASTERPIECE: Little Women - CollectionMASTERPIECE: Little Women - CollectionMASTERPIECE: Little Women - Collection