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The Four Freedoms

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Watch Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 7:30pm on WMHT TV.

In his State of the Union Address before Congress on January 6, 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt articulated his vision for extending the American ideals of individual liberties throughout the world. There were, he said, four essential human freedoms due all people everywhere in the world: Freedom of Speech and Expression, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear. Hear FDR's stirring words. Watch as he enumerates his Four Freedoms before the 77th Congress. Look back as artist Norman Rockwell, inspired by the President's words, brings The Four Freedoms to life in his Arlington, Vermont studio. Enjoy a front row seat as the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute presents the 2003 Four Freedoms Medals to Senator George J. Mitchell, Freedom Medal; Studs Terkel, Freedom of Speech and Expression Medal; Father Robert J. Drinan, Freedom of Worship Medal; Dolores Huerta, Freedom from Want Medal; and Senator Robert C. Byrd, Freedom from Fear Medal.