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More Trains Around North America

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Watch March 2016 on WMHT TV

Sunday, March 6 at 10:30am
Saturday, March 19 at 8am

Also airing on World TV & Create TV. Check our schedule for more airtimes

Contribute for the DVD/Blu-ray set or a dinner train package for 2

MORE TRAINS AROUND NORTH AMERICA is the follow-up to the popular travel show Trains Around North America. Hosted by Grammy-winning musician and storyteller David Holt, this program traces America’s railroad history, telling the unforgettable stories of nearly a dozen historic and scenic tourist railroads stretching from the Pacific Northwest of Canada all the way to the Adirondack Mountains of New York. More than just a tour, this travelogue captures the railroads that defined the spirit of an era, created a new industry and re-wrote North American transportation history. Hop aboard and experience stunning views, fine cuisine, and high-end luxury rail travel.

Featured railroads include: 

Illinois Railway Museum; Union, Illinois
Mount Hood Railroad; Hood River, Oregon
Skunk Train; Fort Bragg, California
Pullman Rail Journeys; Chicago, Illinois to New Orleans, Louisiana
Wisconsin Great Northern Railroad; Trego, Wisconsin
Cape Cod Central Railroad; Hyannis, Massachusetts
Rocky Mountaineer; Alberta and British Columbia, Canada
Blue Ridge Scenic Railway; Blue Ridge, Georgia
Virginia & Truckee Railroad; Virginia City, Nevada
Adirondack Scenic Railroad; Utica, New York
Potomac Eagle Scenic Railroad; Romney, West Virginia