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Göring’s Secret: The Story of Hitler’s Marshall

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Watch Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 2pm & Monday, May 2, 2016 at 10pm on WMHT TV

Illustrated by a newly unearthed collection of personal film reels, the revealing documentary GÖRING’S SECRET – THE STORY OF HITLER’S MARSHALL provides an uncensored look at the private life of Hermann Göring, Hitler’s devoted follower and second-in-command. The program reveals footage of Göring as he preferred to see himself: as a powerful leader adored by the masses; as Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe; and as Hitler’s most important confidant. Shot mostly in color, the films answer the question that has lingered in the decades since his Nuremburg conviction and subsequent suicide: how could a highly decorated World War I fighter pilot become such a corrupt and ruthless henchman of Hitler?