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Armenian Exile

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Watch Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 7:30pm on WMHT TV.

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In 1988, Nagorno-Karabakh’s war for independence was in the headlines worldwide. Halfway across the world in Canada, Hagop Goudsouzian’s peaceful world was suddenly shaken:  “I had forgotten I was Armenian, until I saw the courage of these people who had never forgotten who they were and knew what they had to do…” says Goudsouzian.

Then, again in 1991, the independence of Armenia triggered a new beginning for Hagop Goudsouzian. At this point he no longer had a choice, he embarked on his life’s most important adventure, to touch this mythical land in search of his roots.

Armenian Exile travels with Goudsouzian for his first meeting with Armenia in search of the ultimate connection with his forgotten and sometimes ignored identity.

Armenian Exile is a deliberation seeking clarity where history left off.

Find more information about the movie here.