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Women's Health

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This week on HEALTH LINK we’ll be examining a couple of women’s health issues that have been making news.  Among them complications linked to transvaginal mesh and new regulations governing mammograms aimed at better detecting breast cancer for women with dense breast tissue.  Plus meet a breast cancer survivor whose efforts to save herself is now helping others.  It’s a show all women should watch.


Brian P. Murray, MD

Dr. Brian Murray is a Urological Surgeon in practice with Capital Region Urology.  Dr. Murray specializes in female urology and pelvic and reconstructive urology. 

Karen Lynn Tedesco, MD

Dr. Karen Lynn Tedesco practices medical oncology and hematology at New York Oncology Hematology.  She is the Director of NYOH’s Hereditary Cancer Risk Assessment Program.

Kirsten K. Cestaro, MD

Dr. Kirsten Cestaro is a radiologist with Prime Care Physicians.

JoAnn Pushkin

JoAnn Pushkin is a breast cancer survivor who has made the decision to use her personal situation to help others fight back against this deadly disease.  After her diagnosis in 2005, which was originally missed because she is one of millions of women with dense breast tissue, Ms. Pushkin dedicated herself to advocating for advanced screening coverage and the disclosure of enhanced information to all women. 

Ms. Pushkin is a cofounder of D.E.N.S.E. (Density Education National Survivors’ Effort), a national grassroots effort to raise awareness about breast density, and its inherent cancer risk, and is also founder of the New York chapter D.E.N.S.E. NY.  

She serves as the Director of Government Relations for Are You Dense Advocacy, Inc.  This organization supports efforts for a federal law that would provide all women in the nation who are affected by breast density with the opportunity for an early stage diagnosis.


Breast Health

American Cancer Society

Are You Dense, Inc.

Susan G. Komen 


Incontinence/Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Complications from Transvaginal Mesh

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

More MedlinePlus:

National Association For Continence

The Urology Care Foundation

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