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Organ Donation and Transplant

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Alexandra Gl | Bigstock

Imagine waiting for something that could save your life but not knowing if it will ever arrive?  That's what it's like, every day, for the 123,000 Americans currently waiting for an organ transplant. Another name is added to the list every 10 minutes and sadly, 21 people a day die before an organ becomes available.   Experts say, organs from one donor can save or help as many as 50 people. On the next HEALTH LINK we’ll examine “giving the gift of life” and who benefits from this invaluable act of kindness.


David Conti, MD

A nationally-recognized transplant surgeon, Dr. David Conti is the Director of Albany Medical Center's Transplant Program.  Dr. Conti specializes in renal and pancreas transplant patients, vascular access for dialysis, as well as general surgery. 

Michael Thibault, BSN, MBA

Michael Thibault is the Executive Director of The Center for Donation & Transplant (CDT). CDT was established in 1972 and is one of 58 federally designated non-profit organ procurement organizations in the United States. 

Susan Van Wert

Susan Van Wert’s daughter Delaney passed away suddenly at age 13 from a brain aneurysm in 2010. Five people received live saving organs from her and many more lives were touched through the donation of her corneas and tissues.

Grace Anderson

Grace Anderson suffered with polycystic kidney disease, a genetic disorder in which cysts grow in the kidneys, resulting in reduced kidney function and ultimately, kidney failure. Grace received a lifesaving kidney donation in August 2012.

Myrna Bernstein

Myrna Bernstein suffers from polycystic kidney disease and is waiting for a kidney transplant. Myrna is on a deceased donor kidney transplant list at Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC. She is also actively looking for a living kidney donor through

PKD - Myrna Bernstein's Journey, a documentary filmed by Caitlin Stedman



The Center for Donation & Transplant

Donate Life America

The Kidney Connection

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research 

Medicine Plus – U.S. National Library of Medicine

National Kidney Foundation

Organ Donation Information

Organ Donor – U.S. Department of Health & Human Services


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