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Chronic Pain Management

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Alexander Raths | Shutterstock

Are you one of the tens of millions of Americans who suffer from chronic pain? It may have been triggered by injury, illness or there may be no apparent cause. Pain can last weeks, months, even years. But it’s not just the pain that affects these people. Without proper treatment, pain can have serious psychological and social consequences.  We examine the problem, treatment options and how to live fully despite the pain.

QUIZ: How much do you know about chronic pain?


Charles Argoff, MD
Dr. Charles Argoff specializes in pain management at Albany Med. 

Patricia A. Fennell, MSW, LCSW-R
Patricia Fennell is a social worker specializing in the effect of chronic illness.  In her practice at Albany Health Management Associates, Inc. she employs a 4 phase approach to helping those in chronic pain.

Richard Uhl, MD
Dr. Richard Uhl is Chief of the Division of Orthopedic Surgery at Albany Medical College.

Valerie Bleser and Robin Litfin share their personal stories of living with chronic pain. 



The American Academy of Pain Management brings together the many professionals who work with individuals in pain and assists in the creation of quality services for those individuals.

The American Academy of Pain Medicine is a medical specialty society representing physicians in the field of pain medicine and is involved in education, training, advocacy and research in the specialty of pain medicine.

The American Back Society is dedicated to continuing education in spinal care, including clinical problems affecting the neck and back.

The American Chronic Pain Association offers peer support and education in pain management skills to people with pain, family and friends and health care professionals. The association can be reached by phone toll-free at (800) 533-3231.

The American Headache Society is a patient-health professional partnership dedicated to advancing the treatment and management of patients with headache.

The American Pain Foundation serves people affected by pain and works to dismantle the barriers that impede access to quality pain care for all.

The Arthritis Foundation helps people take control of arthritis by providing public health information, pursuing public policy and legislation and conducting evidence-based programs to improve the quality of life for those living with arthritis.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke presents research publications and related resources on the treatment of chronic pain.


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