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Explore the Outdoors

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PBS KIDSPBS KIDS and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) announced the annual Explore the Outdoors campaign and partnership, which encourages families to celebrate nature and the outdoors this spring. Starting April 7, PBS KIDS kicks off Earth Month with themed on-air programming and online and mobile content. Families will have the option to continue their explorations with their local PBS member stations and National Recreation and Park Association member park and recreation agencies by participating in fun educational outdoor activities in communities across the U.S.

“In honor of Earth Month, we are proud to partner with NRPA and local PBS stations across the country to provide families with opportunities and resources to encourage the exploration of nature in their communities,” said Lesli Rotenberg, General Manager, Children’s Programming, PBS. “And through new content across platforms from favorite series ARTHUR, WILD KRATTS and more, PBS KIDS offers many ways for kids’ love of nature to blossom and bloom this April.”

NRPA members across the country and local PBS member stations are hosting events throughout the month with PBS KIDS Explore the Outdoors activities and materials. More information about how to explore the outdoors this April is available at

PBS KIDS Explore the Outdoors will include eco-themed programming weeks from WILD KRATTS and ARTHUR, as well as the launch of the new web-original PLUM LANDING. Outdoor-themed episodes of a variety of PBS KIDS programs will also air on Earth Day, April 22.

Explore the Outdoors On-air and Digital Content

WILD KRATTS “Season 3 Premiere Week” – April 7-11

Season 3 of WILD KRATTS kicks off on Monday, April 7, as the Kratt brothers discover hermit crabs and shells on the beach in “Hermit Crab Shell Exchange.” The week continues with the exploration of animals from across the globe, including bison, black-footed ferrets, flying fish and more. The brothers explore science concepts such as adaptation and habitats.

ARTHUR “Outdoor Week” – April 21-25

Arthur and friends explore the outdoors in a week of fun-filled, outdoor-themed episodes. “Outdoor Week” includes the premieres of two all-new ARTHUR episodes, “Speak Up Francine/Waiting for Snow,” which airs on April 21, and “Pets and Pests/Go Fly a Kite,” which airs on April 22. The episodes focus on teaching important values, such as speaking up for what you believe in, patience, sharing and teamwork. A new ARTHUR digital game, “Backyard Jungle,” will also launch in April. In “Backyard Jungle,” kids will join D.W. and Bud as they embark on an epic adventure using the power of their imaginations.

PLUM LANDING – Launching April 21

The adventure begins during ARTHUR “Outdoor Week,” which will include interstitials introducing viewers toPLUM LANDING, a digital project, produced by WGBH, that uses animated webisodes, online games, free apps, hands-on science activities and live-action videos to help connect 6- to 9-year-olds to nature, teach them about ecosystems and excite them about their role as caretakers of the planet.

At the PLUM LANDING website,, kids will be able to watch animated webisodes featuring Plum, a purple alien from Planet Blorb, and her five earthling friends on an epic exploration of Planet Earth. Clementine, Oliver, Gabi, Cooper and Brad trek across deserts, plunge over waterfalls, climb mountains and jam through the jungle on mega-fun Missions from Plum! Kids at home can explore the sameecosystems, wild creatures and science concepts as the animated characters through a rich array of online games, hands-on activities designed to get them thinking like scientists and web features that let kids share their observations of nature with Plum.