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When I'm 65

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Watch Monday, April 4, 2016 at 10pm on WMHT TV

Narrated by David Brancaccio of American Public Media’s Marketplace, WHEN I'M 65 challenges longstanding myths about retirement and living longer, and explores changing attitudes toward work, debt, housing and the financial realities of the 21st century. The program looks at how aspirations and financial planning for retirement have changed. This multi-generational approach examines how Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials are facing and planning for retirement, based on the work of and interviews with Teresa Ghilarducci, a retirement security expert from The New School, and Knight Kiplinger, editor-in-chief of Kiplinger’s Personal Financemagazine. Using real-life stories, case studies, engaging animation and lively expert interviews, WHEN I'M 65 presents a thorough examination of the issues, generational influences, and human behavior while providing useful information, potential solutions, and “can do” action plans for meeting retirement goals.