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The members of AVillage…, Inc.

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Community:Willie White, AVillage..., Inc. Executive Director
The members of AVillage…, Inc. 

Community Conversation co-facilitator: 
Willie White, Executive Director, AVillage…, Inc.
(518)-859-4305 or

About the community:
AVillage…, Inc. is a grass roots group working to improve, enrich and empower the lives of children and families in Albany communitiWillie White on Morton Avenue Buses. AVillage strives to work with other community organizations to bring more resources and events to the people of the South End neighborhood.

Learn more about the community:
Visit AVillage..., Inc. online.

Themes from the conversation: 
•    Improving quality of life for the South End neighborhood,
•    Improving opportunities for the community’s youth
•    Connecting the community and young people to their history and the history of the neighborhood & its residents
•    The need to share the story of the neighborhood and the work of AVillage

Additional information & Media:
•    April 4, 2012, Morning Edition: NPR - Activist Puts Albany Neighborhood on the Bus Map
•    AVillage Works
•    African American Cultural Center of the Capital Region, Inc. 
•    Vacant Lot Project