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Alliance for Positive Health Real Talk Teens

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Community Conversation co-facilitator: 
TJ Smith
Prevention Projects Manager
Alliance For Positive Health
927 Broadway
Albany, NY 12207
Tel: (518) 434-4686 Ext. 2303

About the community:
Real Talk is the Alliance for Positive Health’s prevention project for high risk youth to reduce their risks for HIV/AIDS, STIs, and pregnancy. Real Talk engages teens and teaches them to use computers, music keyboards, and video cameras to make games, music, and video projects, etc. to share information with their friends, family, and other teens both online and in person.

Real Talk focuses on having a positive impact on community norms around HIV/STI screening, delaying sex, practicing safer sex, abstinence from sexual activity and substance use, and related behaviors among teens, primarily urban youth of color.

Learn more about the community: 
Alliance for Positive Health
Real Talk  

Themes from the conversation:
Outreach to Teens