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Albany Community Action Partnership (ACAP) Early Learning Center Parents

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Community:ACAP Community Conversation 2013
Albany Community Action Partnership (ACAP) Early Learning Center Parents

Community Conversation co-facilitator:
Terry Kimball,
Director of Early Childhood Education
Albany Community Action Partnership

About this community:
Albany Community Action Partnership's Early Learning Center is a full-day child care facility serving families with children ages six weeks to five years old. In addition to child care, the Early Learning Center offers classrooms providing Head Start programming and integrated classroom placement for children with special needs. The center is licensed and regulated by the New York State Office of Child and Family Services to provide services for infants, toddlers, and preschool children.

This Community conversation was a follow up to a similar conversation held last year at the same location. In 2012, the conversation moved ACAP to implement some changes to their programs and services. We joined them again to see what parents felt about the changes what these early learners’ parents were looking for.  Most of the community members live in the area which helped inform the conversation.

Learn more about the community:
• ACAP Early Learning Center

Themes from the conversation:
• Building community, discipline, safety, bringing more parents to these gatherings, what are our priorities as a parent/caregiver, desire for consistency in supervision, and the techniques used by the caregivers.