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Five Questions with AHA! Featured Nicole Snow of Darn Good Yarn

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Nicole Snow
Photo provided by Darn Good Yarn

Nicole Snow started the business Darn Good Yarn 11 years ago in her guest bedroom. Growing up as a child with a crafting corner in her family's basement, Nicole has always loved repurposing items, painting and crafting. As she started to think about her future and career, she had been told that art wasn't something that made money - but her passion to be creative always came out. A graduate of Clarkson University, Nicole says she uses her creativity in the business itself, which has helped grow Darn Good Yarn 40 percent every year since it was started. Nicole is married with a two-year-old daughter, who also enjoys doing art projects. They live in Ballston Lake.

1. For anyone not familiar, what is Darn Good Yarn?

Darn Good Yarn is a company that innovatively sources products like craft supplies and clothing that are made from reclaimed and recycled materials. We aim to create sustainable and safe jobs to help our artisans get freedom from the cycle of poverty.

2. Why yarn? How did you start working with yarn?

Yarn was a medium that has so many crafting applications. I wanted to learn to knit and my exploration took me to India for sourcing a unique recycled product. 

3. Your business was named the area's fastest growing company. How does that make you feel?

I am amazed and pretty excited that a business that works on the triple bottom line framework can prove the model of sustainability while still being a creative company. My team is special and is energized to continue our path of growth while having fun at work!

4. What have been your inspirations along the way?

I've been inspired to leverage my past and education to help others. My inspiration comes from the books I read (I try to read 1-2 a week) and bringing in fresh ideas into our company strategy.

5. What brought you here to this region?

Originally, my husband's job brought us to the area. But since having our daughter and the growth of Darn Good Yarn, he now works here full-time! We continue to stay because of the incredible team we've built.

Watch the Darn Good Yarn story on AHA! A House for Arts.